valentine's minis

valentine's minis
  • Today my camera club did Valentine’s mini sessions over at Kim’s house. George and Lila, you were super excited to go there. You really love visiting their house. You were actually somewhat cooperative for the photos which was a tiny bit surprising to me. You were so wild when we did the Christmas minis, that I didn't have high expectations for this. But I suppose managing expectations is the trick when navigating life.

  • One of the babies who came was only eight weeks old. It was such a pleasure to hold a wee little one like that.

  • I stayed until all the ladies had come, then I raced home around 3:00 to make an appetizer and dessert because we were going to Auntie Georgia’s for dinner. The original plan was for everyone to come here. I asked Auntie Maria for a dinner idea, and she volunteered to make a big pot of chili. Then, because of the tiling set back yesterday, Ray told me was going to come today, and we couldn’t really have company while our house was a construction zone. So magically, I ended up not hosting or making dinner. Wow. Way to work it!!!

  • Our dinner was so nice. We ate chili and blue corn bread with a yummy salad, and brownies with ice cream for dessert. I also brought bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers for an appetizer. We talked and laughed and watched Ferdinand. Jane, you and Donald fell asleep on the couch. I think you were in heaven sleeping all cuddled up like that.