dressed & ready for school

dressed  & ready for school
  • Lila, you got up and dressed quite willingly.  Your outfit was pretty awesome.  We had to do a couple modifications before leaving for school.
  • Jane, you're walking to school these days.  You get up at 5:30 and get ready while everyone else is still quiet in their beds.  You leave around 7:15 and arrive at school between 7:45 and 8:00.  You like your quiet mornings without everyone else around.  I used to enjoy that too when I was working.  I loved starting the day peacefully.
  • Lila, as we dropped you off at school, you asked if I could come and get you at lunch so you could come home and have a nap.  You said that you just get so sleepy at lunch time and you just want to lay down inside the tunnel in your classroom and close your eyes.  Ha!  I was tempted to tell you to go for it, but decided to come and get you.  You came home and went straight to your bed and slept for three hours.  You must have really needed it.
  • Katie, you came home from school and practiced piano.  I was so confused.  You were so definite about quitting just yesterday.  You said you want to wait a couple more weeks before making a decision.  I took the opportunity to photograph you.  I've enjoyed hearing you learn to make music over the years.  
  • Jane, you played horses with the babies this evening.  They think you're amazing.  You guys were loud and crazy and I'm sure our downstairs neighbor's walls were rattling, but you all were having so much fun I didn't mind the noise.
  • George, you tell me that you love me about 18,000 times a day.  You also tell me that I'm "the greatest human."  Glad you think so highly of me.  I think you're pretty great too.  We're loving our quiet days together.  We've never had the chance to spend one on one time before, and it's pretty fantastic.
  • Last night daddy poured a shot of tequila for each of us.  We both feel like crap today.  We must be getting old