  • I had such a nice quiet day today.  Lila, you went to school without a fuss.  George, you're not feeling well, and as much as I wish you weren't're awfully quiet and calm and snuggly when you're not well.  You played quietly with your ninja guys and watched tv while laying in my bed for most of the day.  It was so great.
  • I've been itching to go out and take portrait type photos of you guys, so after school we stopped by that pretty little road that runs along the top of the Riverview grounds.  Katie, you gave me two minutes to get some photos of you (you actually set a timer).  The babies were a bit more generous with their time.  But all in all, we only spent 15 minutes there. 
  • Just as I was in the middle of making dinner, the power went out.  It was out for about an hour and a half, so I ended up taking you all to Costco with me to get something for dinner and do a little grocery shopping.  Daddy stayed home so he could have some quiet time.  He's tired and feels like he's coming down with a cold.
  • A "little grocery shopping" ended up costing $400.  Wow.  We spend an enormous amount of money on food.  I'm sure in 30 years that will sound like nothing, but it was a lot.  
  • Jane, you've been so pleasant the last few days since starting back on your button system.  I'm glad it gives you the structure that you want/need so badly.
  • Katie, we found out that Felicity will be in Quebec City and the EXACT same time as you!!  What are the odds?  It's like that time Auntie Kim and I unknowingly planned trips to New York City at the exact same time.