facetime with jack

facetime with jack
  • I made the brine for our turkey this morning.  Our house smells like heaven right now.
  • George, you FaceTimed Jack for a looooooong time this morning.  You wanted to show him every thing in our house because you're so excited about him coming to visit in a couple weeks. 
  • Lila, you wanted to wear a bathing suit today, but you were cold.  So you put a toque and a  sweater on...underneath your bathing suit.  Made perfect sense to you.  Not so much to the rest of us.
  • I had a massage today.  It was particularly amazing.  I came back home and had a nice nap.  I felt so relaxed and calm.
  • Lila, you wanted to show Jane and Katie how you can climb the trees at your school.  Jane couldn't come with us because she's going out with her friends tonight, but Katie came.  You were so proud to show her your climbing skills.
  • We played for a while at your school, then daddy texted to tell me that dinner was ready.  Lila, you were not happy to be leaving.  You wanted more time.  You weren't shy about letting me know.
  • Katie, you scrubbed the kitchen floor tonight like it hasn't been scrubbed in years.  Thank you.  It looks so good.
  • Jane, you're out late with your friends tonight.  It's different without you here, but I suppose we're going to have to get used to it.