
  • For some reason, the photography gods have smiled down on me and I was introduced to the most incredible group of women who host amazing events.  This is the third event I've had the pleasure to photograph, and it's so fun for me.  Katie, you're always begging to come with me as my assistant.  I can't even believe my good fortune.  The party was lovely, the people were terrific and everything was beautiful beyond measure.  Tonight I got to capture a Great Gatsby themed party for Bevefresco (a nifty little wine bag).
  • I count myself blessed to be a part of the whole thing.  I love the networking.  Being in a room full of smart, motivated, successful women is a really powerful thing.  Very inspiring.  Makes me want to do more and be better every day.  I hope that someday you'll all surround yourself with people who inspire you to be the best version of you that could exist.
  • I love photographing beautiful things and beautiful people.  I'm in complete bliss as I do this work.
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