  • George, I slept on the couch last night, and in the middle of the night you came over to sleep with me in my bed.  You weren't pleased to find only daddy.  You ended up coming to sleep on the couch with me.  We had a great little snuggle
  • Lila, the first thing you do when you stumble out of your bedroom is seek me out.  I always stop whatever I'm doing and sit down on the floor and I hold you and rock you until you've woken up a bit.  You are not a morning person.  I'm glad I can help you transition from sleep to your day
  • You two decided you needed to blow bubbles today.  We went to three stores before we found any.  George, you had your bottle of bubbles for about two seconds before you bent down (with bubbles in hand) and poured out the entire bottle.  Lila offered to share hers with you and you still had a great time
  • We made our way over to the "hockey park".  George, you asked Lila to play hockey with you, but she didn't want to, so you told her she could be your sweetheart.  You'd take a break every couple minutes from playing hockey (you were Koivu today) and come and kiss her and say hello.  Very cute
  • Jane, I took you for poutine tonight.  We went to the Spud Shack in New West.  It was delicious and we had such a fun time.  We went to Winners afterward and shopped and looked at almost everything in the store.  We bought nothing.  I have a really really really hard time buying things for myself.  I need to get over that
  • Katie Bean, your soccer season has ended and now our week nights feel so weird.  We're used to being busy and out and about, so it's hard for you to be at home so much.  You told me tonight that you don't even know what to do with yourself.  You're trying to talk me into joining a gym with you.  I can picture us going for about a week, then never again.  But maybe you're just the motivation I need to start working out.