  • Katie, Rose arrived today.  I totally missed your reunion because there was so much going on, and so many people, I lost track of you.  So....being me, I got you to reenact it.  It was so funny.  But cute photos. Lol.
  • After a lunch with all the Quebec students, we took you and Rose, along with Annika and her twin to Lila's school to hang out.  George, you had the best time ever.  Imagine...the full undivided attention of four teenage girls.  You teased Annika to no end, and enjoyed every moment of it.  Rose couldn't believe how beautiful the scenery was.  She asked if we ever get tired of seeing it, or just don't notice it anymore.  I never get tired of it.  The view from Mara takes my breath away every time I see it.
  • Katie, after the playground, you and Rose went to the mall for a couple hours.  Rose was so inspired by the blossoms and lack of snow, she bought some shorts.  
  • Lila and George, I took you to the little park near our house.  The blossoms are still on the trees, but are just hanging on by a thread.  My pretty "blossom snow" photos quickly turned into crazy violent shaking of the trees.  You took turns making it snow while the other one tried to catch as many as they could.
  • Jane Jane, you made chicken pot pie tonight.  It was spectacular.  The best one yet by far.  So delicious.  Thank you for doing that for us.  I know it's a lot of work.
  • Lila, you love to play with the leftover pastry.  I think you're going to take an interest in cooking.  I hope so because I'm sure getting tired of it.
  • Katie, you and Jane and Rose hung out in your room all evening.  I listened to you laughing and talking and it made me so happy.  You make friends very easily and have such a good time around people.  I'm so glad this exchange has been such a positive experience for you. 
  • Katie, today was made double awesome because we received an email late last night informing us that you had made it onto the soccer team you had been trying out for.  Wow.  Congratulations!!!  Well deserved.  You've worked really hard for this.  Daddy and I are so proud of you.