day 39: 67 days of summer

day 39: 67 days of summer

Day 39. Happy 18th birthday Katie Bean! Lots of love and laughs and food. So much food. Our family motto when it comes to birthdays is “what the girl wants, the girl gets”. Katie’s homework assignment was for each of us to listen to Harry Style’s first album, then write a list, ranking the songs from 1-10. It was due by dinner time. We ate, then she reviewed our lists and we discussed the album at great length. Who knew we all had such passionate opinions. George was chosen as the winner because his rankings of the songs most closely aligning with Katie’s. He won fame and glory. Shieva, Katie and Jane treated us all to a performance of a selection of songs that would make a sailor blush. George and Lila left the patio about three seconds in (they are greatly offended by course language). Ian left to tidy the kitchen, and I sat there in amazed horror at the filth coming out of these girls mouths. Lol. It was something else.