pumpkin carving

pumpkin carving
  • George and Lila, you have formed a ninja club, and I am fortunate enough to be included in it. What the ninja club does exactly, I still don’t know, but so far, we’ve had a sleep over in your room, gotten up in the middle of the night to eat popcorn, then gone back to sleep until the morning. It’s super secret, and daddy must not know that the ninja club is meeting.

  • We got pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. Cute little awesome pumpkins. Unfortunately, they went rotten before Halloween. Fortunately, when we went to Save On a couple days ago they had a fresh shipment of pumpkins. Unfortunately, they were all massive. Fortunately, they were on sale. Unfortunately, you insisted we get one for every member of our family. Fortunately, we all love pumpkin soup and pumpkin baking. We have a LOT of pumpkin in our house right now.

  • Jane, you were out with Donny after school, and Katie you had soccer, so it was just the babies carving pumpkins with daddy. I don’t know how daddy got stuck with the job of carving pumpkins, but I’m glad it’s him and not me. I just take care of the aftermath, then roast the seeds.

  • Jane, you came home a little later and decided to carve yours. Katie, you decided to just donate your pumpkin to the pumpkin baking.

  • George and Lila, you were delighted with the process and overwhelmed with the results. I have to admit, it’s worth the mess and the hassle when I see the look on your face when we light them up. So magical.