merry christmas!

merry christmas!
  • Merry Christmas!!!!
  • Lila, you were the first one up.  That was pretty surprising to me.  I totally thought you'd be the last.  You went directly to the tree and examined all the gifts Santa had brought.  You told me you tried so hard to be good last night.  You woke up and wanted mommy, and you had a tear coming down your cheek, but you just closed your eyes and didn't call for me just in case Santa was there and noticed you weren't asleep.  You checked out the cookies and carrots you had left for Santa and the reindeer.  You were pleased to see they had eaten most everything you had set out. 
  • Jane and Katie, you woke up next.  
  • George, you were the last one.  You stumbled bleary eyed out of your room and stood in front of the fireplace in a daze.  
  • Lila, you went and jumped on daddy to wake him up.  He really appreciated it.
  • You all opened your stockings first.  Jane and Katie, Daddy stuffed your stockings with ten dollar bills.  It was incredibly cute to watch as you pulled them out and counted them up.  100 dollars!!!  We almost didn't have to five you anything else, you would have been delighted with just that.  We're hoping you spend the money on something that  you really want and wouldn't normally be able to buy.  Katie, you told us you want to use it for spending money in Quebec, and Jane, you want to buy more expected!
  • I always put a LifeSaver book in your stockings.  Heaven knows why I wait until the last minute to buy them.  It's always a scramble in the few days before Christmas to find four of them.  Every year I swear I'm going to get them when they first come out, but for whatever reason, I never do.
  • Jane, you got a real kick out of dad wrapping your present and signing it "From Satan"
  • Katie, you asked for Beats for Christmas, so Jane went ahead and got them for you.  Ahahahaha. meant the headphones, not the the vegetable?  Jane was pretty proud of herself for that one. 
  • George, you've been lusting after the Guardians of the Galaxy action figure set for a couple months now.  You were so overcome with gratitude and joy when you opened it, you just sat and hugged and kissed the box for quite a while.  You couldn't believe your good fortune.  It was so cute to watch.  What a satisfying feeling it is as a parent to get the one thing your kid wished for so fervently.
  • You all were so grateful for everything you got.  It makes me want to give you more.  You're such nice kids.  You have such normal expectations for Christmas, and you're so happy with every gift you receive.  I especially love watching you open the gifts from each other.  You're always so generous and thoughtful with your siblings.  
  • Daddy is in charge of the food on Christmas day.  He made a master list and shopped a few days ago.  It's his treat to us.  He started making food in the late morning and kept it coming all day.  Lots of yummy treats and snacks.  It's such a lovely break for me.
  • We decided a few years ago that Christmas day would be a quiet day for just our family.  We wanted to reserve the day to be together and relax.  It's really nice.
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