mr. richard a. fluffy-love

mr. richard a. fluffy-love
  • Jane, you had another appointment with Dr. Bradshaw this morning.  It was so interesting.  He was working on parts of your brain that are "weak."  You watched a movie, and when the brain waves in that particular area of your brain were active and strong, the screen was big, but as the brain waves started getting weaker, the screen size would shrink and not get bigger until your brain created more activity.  It's basically strength training for your brain.  So incredibly fascinating.  I love watching the process and listening to Dr. Bradshaw talk to you about how things are going.  I appreciate the way he talks to you too.  He talks to you like an adult.  He's not condescending or patronizing. He's a pretty great match for you and your personality.
  • George, you went to Auntie Georgia's house while I was at the appointment with Jane.  When I picked you up, you gave me a full run-down of everything you said and did.  You told me, "I made a pwomise to myself that I was going to enjoy my time there.  I didn't even fuss.  I didn't cry for my mommy.  And I didn't even kick Uncle Ben."  Lol.  You thanked me for letting you stay there, and asked if you could do it again tomorrow.  Phew.  And I was worried that you wouldn't be able to do it on your own without Lila.  You're really growing up, little guy!
  • Mr. Fluffy-love is doing well in his new home.  He lives on our dining room table and always swims over to say hello when I talk to him.  He's very beautiful.
  • The frost has been incredible the last couple days.  Lila, you're obsessed with finding leaves, but feel so angry when you hold them and the frost melts.  
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