sisters in a garage

sisters in a garage
  • Daddy announced this morning that our family was going to do a big spring clean.  I loved your reactions to the news.  And daddy was so cute.  He started out happy and optimistic...and by the end of the conversation he was almost tearing his hair out.  The big clean ended up going pretty though, and it feels good to have all the nooks and crannies scrubbed and the closets cleaned out
  • We dyed our Easter eggs this afternoon.  Jane and Katie, I'm delightfully surprised that you're still  so enthusiastic about decorating eggs.  We ended up doing glittery sparkly eggs at Lila's request.  And if you're wondering why you're all wearing hats?  Lila, you fetched a hat for everyone "because that's what kids do when they make eggs."  Jane and Katie, you're really good sports to go along with all the funny little things the babies come up with
  • As we decorated the eggs, the sun came out and rainbows from our heart crystal danced around  the kitchen as you worked.  I like to think our baby was visiting us and joining in the fun.
  • We went to Red Robin for dinner as a reward for all our hard work.  We had such a nice time.  It may have been the first trip to a restaurant in a long time where it was entirely pleasant.  The freckled lemonade is always a highlight (lemonade with strawberries in it).  George and Lila, you both got ice-cream with your kids meal, and you were very generous in sharing it with Jane and Katie.  Very sweet
  • Katie, you brought your book to Red Robin.  You kept sneaking a quick read under the table.  Ahahahaha.  So funny
  • George, you were showing us your "big" tummy.  You were so proud of it.  You are starting to get a little gap between your front teeth.  Daddy thinks you look like Alfred E. Neuman (from Madd Magazine).  He showed you a picture and you thought it was hilarious
  • After dinner we walked over to Superstore to get some things for our brunch tomorrow.  I didn't get far into the garage before seeing that beautiful golden light and begging go over to it so I could take photos.  Jane, you volunteered first, then Katie, you joined in.  What a great moment between you guys.  I'm going to treasure this photo of you two sisters
  • Lila, you had a bit of a meltdown in the garage after you felt daddy had been mean to you.  I sent daddy and the girls into the store to get the groceries and made up a little game and within 30 seconds, you were happy and playing with George and I.  When they returned, they joined in our game and we ended up spending a looooong time down there running around and giggling.  Even daddy seemed to be enjoying himself, if only for a brief minute...which he denied entirely later on.  He doesn't want to ruin his reputation, you know :)
  • Jane, you looked so cute in the little hat Lila got for you.  You should wear hats more often!
  • I feel so much better.   And it shows...I took 338 photos today.  I haven't even wanted to pick my camera up lately, but today I couldn't put it down.  Feels good