it's snowing blossoms!!!

it's snowing blossoms!!!
  • George, I love how you lounge with your hands folded behind your head.  I also love that you just keep wearing those onesies day in and day out.  Good thing we have four of them
  • Lila, you wore your rainbow dress today. I love it when you wear it.  It's crazy and fun and colorful and wonderful...a lot like you!
  • George, when we went to Katie's classroom, you went and held the water fountain for Lila because she was too small to turn it and drink at the same time.  "Don't wowwy Yiya, I can howd it fow you."  You're very sweet sometimes.
  • Katie, you showed us your completed woodwork project today.  It's an iPad stand.  You're super proud of it and can't wait to bring it home
  • Katie, you had more soccer tryouts today.  Lila, you wanted to come with us.  We brought our dinner to the field and ate together on a bench.  You ate ALL the broccoli and enjoyed the heck out of it.  You love vegetables so much and you always have.  When you were little, we used to have to hide the vegetables until you had eaten the main course, otherwise you would only eat the vegetables.
  • The blossoms are just starting to fall.  Lila, you couldn't believe it.  You danced and twirled and gathered petals to "deprise" me and throw them like confetti.  You're adorable in your enthusiasm for beauty
  • Katie, there was a huge thunder storm and downpour in the middle of the tryouts.  You were absolutely soaked by the end
  • George, after dinner you and daddy went down to the courtyard to play hockey and Andy joined you guys.  You spent half the time pouting...then after you gathered your composure a bit, you ended up having a great time.