  • Today was the last day of school before spring break.  We're limping towards the finish line.  Daddy is really tired and needs a break ASAP.
  • I'm of a mixed mind about having everyone home for two weeks.  Normally we go to 100 Mile or Kelowna, but this time we're staying home, and we have no set plans.  I generally dislike being at home too much without activities planned.
  • Lila, you had a hip hop performance this afternoon and you were so excited this morning.  You carefully dressed in a black shirt and jeans, even though you hate jeans.  You had set aside the black shirt a few days ago in preparation for today.
  • George, you and I headed to the school for the big performance.  Lila's class was first.  It was adorable.  Lila, you looked like you were having a cautious amount of fun.  Of course, to my mommy eyes, you were the cutest and the best dancer ever.
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