tug o' war
  • Lila, it was your sports day today.  Jane, George and I joined you at lunch and had a picnic together.  You were a little nervous about sports day because you weren't sure what to expect, but you had a fabulous time.  
  • Jane, you didn't have school today, so I asked (begged) you to come with me to the school.  We had a good time.  As we waited for various things, I trimmed your split ends and we chatted about religion and love and what happens after death.  You're an interesting kid.  
  • George, you entered the preschool race and won by a long shot, even with your flip flops.  You're quite an accomplished flip flop wearer.  
  • Lila, you were super excited about the tug o' war.  Your class went up against Mrs. Ross's class.  They won, but wow, you guys really put up a fight.  
  • George and Lila, after school we came home and I had a little nap while you watched a show on my bed.  Jane, you came and woke me up when you felt it was time for me to get busy with dinner.  I made cream of broccoli soup and biscuits.  It was a big hit.  It was actually quite cool today, so the soup was a welcome warmth.
  • At dinner we talked about the character traits each of you inherited from me and daddy.  Jane, you're convinced you're turning into me and you're horrified because this isn't supposed to happen until you're middle aged.  You saw a picture of me the other day and thought it was yourself for a minute.  Haha.  Don't worry Jane, you're way cooler than me.  You're smarter and prettier too.  
  • Katie, after dinner, I asked (begged) you to come and do errands with me.  I needed to get a couple more things for Lila's little party tomorrow.  We went up to No Frills and gathered our things, went through the till and discovered that I had forgotten my debit card at home and they don't accept VISA.  We had to run back home and get it.  We went back to the cashier, she brought our order back up...and I discovered that I had forgotten my debit card in the van.  You had to run back and get it.  OMG.  My brain!  We laughed so hard.  It was pretty silly.  I love hanging out with you Katie.  You're so fun. 
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