jane's book o' treasures

jane's book o' treasures
  • Today went by in a blur.  I was editing all day.  Jane,  you stayed in your bathrobe and relaxed after a very busy week.  Katie, you hung out and watched your little shows that you love.  George and Lila, you played and played and played.  Daddy was the only one who really did anything!  He was out and about doing stuff.
  • Jane, you found your binder we started back when you were in Kindergarten.  You would put any sort of treasure you created that you wanted to keep.  You kept adding to it probably until the end of elementary school.  You showed it to Lila and she carefully studied it with you.  I'm so glad we have that binder of your work.
  • Daddy and I went on a pho date at dinner.  It's been a while since we've seen each other and had a good conversation.  We talked a lot about the early days of our relationship.  So many things have changed, but we still really like each other a lot.  We've finally figured out how to work together as adults instead of playing games and hiding behind our egos and fears.  It feels pretty good.
  • Jane, when we told you we were going to go out for dinner you burst into tears.  It was so surprising...(and sorry)...but so cute.  You had been looking forward to a hot home cooked meal with your family after so many nights eating leftovers or take out because of the play.  In all honesty, it made my mommy heart happy because you value our family dinners and my cooking brings you comfort and happiness.  We got it all sorted out and I found something delicious for you all to have.  In the end you were happy. 
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