time to spring clean?

time to spring clean?
  • Nothing like a beautiful sunrise to highlight my lack of interest in housekeeping.
  • George, you and I met my friend Angela and went for a photowalk at Hyde Creek.  Her daughter is just three months younger than you, but for some reason you thought she was a baby.  You two were finding icicles together.  You still lick everything.  It's so gross.  But you also never get sick, so, hey, maybe it's got it's merits. 
  • Lila, you've been having a hard time at school again.  You had started to cry about having to go when I tuck you in at night, and again in the morning before we leave.  When I ask why you don't like school, you just say that you miss me and Georgie.  I believe you.  You guys are two little peas in a pod.  I think it was the Family Day weekend that kinda messed you up.  Katie was in Quebec and Jane spent two nights at Tia's, so it was just you and George for three days.  You had the best time EVER.  You laughed and played and snuggled and built things and watched movies.  You slept together and ate together.  There were no activities for us to drag you to. You guys really really really love each other.  Not only that, but you're buddies.  You have all these weird imaginative games you've created together and you seem to never tire of them.  Now, don't get me wrong, you two also fight like crazy, but it's always explosive and short lived, and you're back having fun within minutes.  As I'm writing this, I'm listening to you two "sleep."  Lots of giggling and chatting going on over there.  I'm so thankful we had the two of you so close together.
  • Lila, I talked to your teacher about the situation, and we decided that I would pick you up "early" every day.  You love the idea.  I come to your class 20 minutes before the bell rings.  The funny part is that you pretty much ignore me and continue doing whatever the class is doing, then you get ready and leave with me about 10 seconds before the rest of the class is dismissed.  For whatever reason, this has totally eased the sadness about going to school.  I guess you just needed a little extra love and reassurance that mommy was there for you.
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