  • Katie, you and Rose and the group went to Deep Cove today to hike to Quarry Rock and kayak.  Then there was a BBQ for everybody.  You said it was the best day yet.  A bunch of kids went swimming in the ocean.   Rose was one of them.  When you guys got home, she was shivering from being so cold and wet.  But she said she had the best time, so that's really all that counts.
  • After I picked Lila up from school, I got a call from Auntie Georgia.  She and Rick and Maria were on their way back from the Abbotsford Tulip Festival and were wondering if we were home.  They stopped in for a visit.  We sat on the deck and enjoyed the warmth and fresh air.  I'm so grateful for these friends in our life.
  • As we were visiting, Dareian texted and asked if they could stop by for a few minutes.  Whaaaaat?  Of course!!!  I've been impatiently waiting to see everyone.  Auntie Georgia stayed so she could meet everyone.  
  • Katie, a bunch of you went to Me-N-Eds pizza for a farewell dinner.  It's your last night together and you're all so sad your time together is over.  Auntie Georgia drove you and Rose to the restaurant so I could stay here and enjoy my time with my family.
  • I made a quick dinner of spaghetti and fed everyone.  I'm pretty good at whipping up food for a crowd on a moments notice.  i guess that's what happens when you have four kids and twenty years experience in the kitchen.
  • Jane, you were working on the build in for the play and weren't finished until 11:00.  Mr. Case is a real slave driver.  You said that he would be the perfect person to run a sweat shop.  You said you saw him make no less than 7 people cry today.  Apparently he gets a little snippy when he's stressed out. 
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