camera club
  • Katie, you were the only one who needed a ride to school this morning, and as we passed by Mundy park, I looked down this driveway and remembered a shot I had envisioned a couple years ago, and decided to make it happen.  The sun was shining perfectly through the trees, and I thought if I could kick up some dust in the parking lot behind you, it would look super cool.  So I got you to stand in the right spot, then I jumped in the van and started to do some donuts.  I tried and tried and tried, but the dust just would not fly!  The dirt must be too damp still from the rain we've had recently.  I was cracking myself up as I did donuts and you stood there super embarrassed and the old ladies in the park glared at me.  So...I didn't get my vision, but I decided to photograph you anyway.  We'll try again after a nice dry spell.  Lol.  Thanks for putting up with my craziness.
  • Jane, you stayed home from school today.  You needed a day of rest.  You've been working so hard.  It's such a treat for George (and me!) when someone is at home because then he doesn't have to be dragged around everywhere and can just settle in and play and enjoy his day.
  • I had a client meeting at noon at the Vancouver Gold Club.  What a pretty course, and a lovely client!  I'm really looking forward to photographing an event there in June!
  • Lila, I picked you up from school and you had taken your running shoes off and put your sandals on...but had left your socks on.  Ha.  So cute.  You're definitely Jimmy's granddaughter.
  • I had my camera club tonight.  I know I say this every single time, but I love those ladies.  They're so great.  We learned about family photography tonight, so had a quick lesson, then got right down to practicing with a model family.  The family was amazing.  The parents were gorgeous and the kids all had the most beautiful hair I'd ever seen.  We're going to upload our favorites and give them to the family.  I'm so excited to see what everyone got!
  • My favorite part of the camera meeting was actually the time we spent in the parking lot afterward, comparing notes and talking about the evening and life in general.  I left feeling completely content and satisfied.