  • Jane, you and I went out and did errands today.  It was so fun.  We went to Staples, the bank, the mall and Home Sense.  I loved getting out of the house, and you're a good shopping buddy.
  • Jane and Katie, I finally got chairs for your desk.  I've been casually looking for them for a while now.  We saw the chairs at Home Sense, and there were two, and they're so pretty, and as soon as you sat in one, Jane, your eyes got big and you fell in love.  So comfortable.  It's like sitting in a hug, or on someone's lap.  Much better than the chairs I found on the curb, lol.
  • I went out to Chehalis to meet up with my friend Kim who was camping up there, so we could do some night photography.  I've never been up there before, but I will definitely be going back there.  The drive out there was peaceful and beautiful.  A perfect summer evening.  The sun was golden and shining on the water and through the big trees.  It was good for my soul.
  • Kim and I had a great time out by the river...until it got super dark and we started to get freaked out by the imaginary creatures that were stalking us from the forest.  
  • I was so please to get a shooting star!  Can't wait to try it again on Tuesday at our next camera club meeting.
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