  • Daddy had a frazzley day today.  Jane, it all started with daddy getting you to your first day of work.  Interestingly, a couple days ago at dinner we were talking about first days.  Something weird always happens - something you could never have anticipated.  Perhaps we jinxed you!
  • Jane, you guys left about twenty minutes before you needed to be there.  That would have gotten you there nice and early.  You and daddy went down to the street to get into his car....but it wasn't there!  What the heck.  Daddy thought it had been stolen.  Then he thought that perhaps I had taken it, but no, the van was gone, so he knew I hadn't.  
  • Then daddy remembered.  He had gone out with his hockey friends on Friday and drank too much to be able to drive, so he left his car at the bar and took a cab home.  But then he was so sick on Saturday, he totally forgot about his car!
  • Daddy tried to call me million times, but I was in the pool with the babies and didn't hear it.  Apparently there were a few curse words muttered each time I didn't pick up.
  • Then he did some quick thinking and decided to call a cab using his app.  He could track the taxi on his phone as it drove toward our house, and starting swearing all over again because the driver was "dicking around" too much.  Jane, you said you stood there mortified and silent, not exactly knowing what to do.
  • When the taxi got there, daddy asked him to drive fast, and he did.  You pulled up to Superstore at exactly 1:00.  Daddy instructed you to RUN! and you made it on time.  Phew.
  • Then the taxi driver and daddy made their way to the bar.  Luckily his car was still there!
  • Katie, while all this was happening, you were babysitting baby Audrey.  I'm jealous!  I wish I could have snuggled that sweet baby all morning.
  • George and Lila, we were at Blue Mountain Park.  It's really hot today, so it was a perfect day to relax there.  The wading pool is so perfect for you guys.  It's deep enough that you can swim underwater, but shallow enough that I don't need to worry about you too much.  I like wading and watching you two.  You're so silly.
  • Daddy joined us after retrieving his car and told me the story.  He was so frazzled.  He hung out for a while and chit chatted while you guys swam, but then I decided I needed a nap, so I headed home while you continued to play.  
  • While we were talking, daddy put his phone in my purse, but I guess he didn't remember doing that.  So of course, he went to get his phone while you were at the park and it wasn't there in the swimming bag!  He thought he had lost it.  Another panic ensued.  He was relieved to find it in my bag when you all arrived home.
  • But then, daddy and I had a miscommunication regarding dinner.  I thought he was making it, and he thought I was making it.  There was no dinner.  It was after 5:00...this is a dangerous situation when you have little kids.  And then Don called and asked daddy to clean Gains tonight...and the frazzling continued.  We got the dinner situation figured out and daddy went on his way.
  • Jane, you needed new black shoes for work so we headed out after dinner to get some.  The whole gang came with us.  I got everyone ice-cream at Costco, then headed down to the river for a little walk.  You guys weren't super enthusiastic about the walk along the river, but hey, I was driving, so you didn't have too much of a choice.  Lol.  I think everyone enjoyed it in the end.
  • Lila, you lost another tooth today, so now you're missing both front teeth.  You're adorable.
  • Daddy came home after cleaning and sat out on the deck for a while to recover from his day.  Poor guy.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.