  • Lila, you woke up this morning and your fever was all gone...and your bed head was spectacular!  I don't know how it stayed like that, but it was really truly stuck.  I gave you a bath and conditioned it quite thoroughly, and it still took me about 20 minutes to brush it out.
  • It was really hot today.  I took you guys to Blue Mountain Park and you swam the afternoon away and I sat in the shade with my feet in the water.  I'm miserable when it's hot.
  • Lila, you're working on your whistling.  You're getting pretty good at it.  You told me today that you were very proud of all things you've learned this year.  "I leawned to whistew.  I leawned to be kind.  I leawned to have fwiends.  I leawned to say the wowds that awe in my head.  I leawned to wead..."
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