rose amongst the roses

rose amongst the roses
  • Katie, this morning you came with me to deliver baby Olive’s photos to her family. You’re such a baby lover…you come by it honestly. Marla streamed the gallery to her TV so we could all see them together. I got emotional looking through the photos. Birth is such a journey and the highs and lows are immense.

    I got this note from Marla:

    Thank you so much for being there with us! You played such a huge part in the whole experience and helped get me through my toughest life event. 
    And through your amazing photography have provided me with something that is helping me heal from any traumatic memories i was holding. I literally look through the pictures and see the beauty in every high and every low. For that I can't thank you enough!
    These are keepsakes I will forever and ever cherish ❤

  • I love birth photography so much. I’m thinking about training as a doula so I can add another level of value to my clients. The experience is out of this world and I can’t get enough of it.

  • Katie, after we got our fill of baby snuggles, we headed to Guildford Mall to do some back to school shopping. I loved having that time with just you. We always have such a fun time together. You got some really cute things and are almost ready for school now.

  • George and Lila, I took you to your school to play for the evening. It’s really starting to look like fall.

  • George, you needed to wipe your nose, but I didn’t have any kleenex, so you used leaves. Very resourceful little guy guy.