full of beans

full of beans
  • Lila, you wore a kitty tail to school today to complete your outfit of a cheetah print shirt and socks.  You were pretty proud of your look.
  • Lila, you cried and cried when I left you at school this morning.  I stayed with you for about half an hour while your class did their morning routine.  You curled up in my lap and snuggled in.  You just wanted me.  I felt really bad leaving you, but your teacher was very sweet and distracted you while George and I left.
  • We played for a while after school.  Lila, you were being a cheetah and chasing George around and killing him.  He'd fall to the ground dramatically and lay there pretending to be dead, giggling all the while.  It was pretty cute.
  • George, you love your shirt and whenever you wear it, you randomly yell out "Cha cha cha, full of beans!!" throughout the day.  You certainly are full of beans.
  • Lila, you and I went out after dinner to get our Christmas tree.  We went to IKEA because it's close and easy and priced well.  We had a grand time.  We need a skinny tree for our place, so I asked them if we could untie a couple trees to see how wide they were.  They wouldn't let us, but suggested we hug the trees to fat they were.  Hahaha.  You were all over that.  You ran around hugging all of them and finally settled on one that you were sure was perfect.  As we were driving home you asked what we were going to name it.  What?  You decided his name shall be Todd Parr.  So Todd Parr he shall be. 
  • Daddy was burning the midnight oil finishing up report cards.  I think he's almost finished though, so that'll be a relief for him (and for us!)