she's in!

she's in!
  • Jane, you had an interview at iHub today after school.  iHub is short for Inquiry Hub.  It's a small school that's run out of the Millside School, which coincidentally, is the school your great grandma, who you were named after, attended school.  Perhaps you will connect with the spirit of Presentine while you're there.  Anyway, they teach all the core subjects in half of the day, and the other 50% of your time will be spent exploring and developing a project based entirely in your area of interest.  When we went to the information session, we met kids who were doing all different kinds of things.  Ranging from building a car from scratch, developing an app, writing classical clarinet music, writing a novel, and exploring the geology around Vancouver.  Very interesting kids with big ideas.  They all seemed engaged and excited about their learning.  I think this will be a really great fit for you.  After you completed the MACC program in middle school, you wanted to move into the mainstream, but we've discovered it's not quite challenging or interesting enough for you.  When you're bored with your learning, you tend to be unmotivated and have a pretty bad attitude about it.  I guess it's good that you tried, and now know that it doesn't work for  you.
  • You were really nervous.  I was really calm.  It was the exact opposite of what usually happens.  
  • You brought a bunch of your drawings to show the principal.  You'd like to focus on art next year, particularly learning digital drawing and completely one drawing each day.  
  • I was so proud of you during the interview.  Daddy and I let you do all the talking.  You're articulate, thoughtful, honest, clever and funny.   I could tell that the principal was enjoying his conversation with you.  
  • At the end of the meeting, he told us that you were a perfect candidate for the school, and he would be delighted for you to attend next year.  Yay!!!!  So exciting.  I'm really happy for you.  Now you just have to finish this year strong, and move onto the next chapter of your life.
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