breakfast with santa

breakfast with santa
  • This morning was the Santa breakfast at your school, Lila.  The whole gang went.  
  • I begged for a picture with Santa with the four of you.  I used all the mom guilt I could muster to get you, Jane and Katie, in the photo. 
  • George, after the breakfast, we took the girls to school and headed out to Fort Langley to meet up with Auntie Kim.  I always forget how cute Fort Langley is.  I need to go there more often.
  • We met up at Wendels Book Store and Cafe.  It was crazy busy, but Auntie Kim managed to snag the best table in the house.  George, you brought your big tupperware container full of Duplo, your stuffed tiger, and a scotch tape dispenser.  It was an interesting mix of toys, but it kept you busy for a couple hours.  At one point, you decided to "trap" your tiger because he was being naughty, and taped him to the window with huge long strings of tape.  It was so cute.