  • You guys are in Kelowna so went back in my photos and found these ones that I never posted.  I love taking photos of you.  I never get tired of it.  My beautiful sweethearts
  • The parking lot at Jane's school is a total zoo after school.  We always get there early, but then we're trapped in the pickup lane for at least 20 minutes.  You guys always get out of your car seats and open the windows, poke your heads out and look for Jane
  • Katie, you went to your Red Cedar book club meeting.  We dropped you off, then went to play in the cute little park by the library.  The sun felt so good
  • Jane, when we picked Katie up from the library you saw a display of books that had been banned at one time or another (clever librarian!!).  You checked out two books.  Go the F*ck to Sleep and the Satanic Verses.  You got a few pages into the Satanic Verses and gave up.  I could read about a paragraph before my brain shut off
  • Katie, you read Go the F*ck to Sleep to Lila after dinner.  We were all laughing so hard at your creative word substitutions.  Lila had no idea and just thought it was a nice story about going to bed
  • After George went to bed, you three girls snuggled on my bed and watched a movie.  I love seeing you guys so close and comfortable with each other