coffee in peace

coffee in peace
  • Daddy took you guys to Kelowna today.  Lila, you've been counting down the days.  When you woke up, the first thing you said was "TODAY'S THE DAY!!"
  • I'm going to join you in a couple days.  I had my camera club tonight and I want to spend some time tomorrow going through the baby's room and getting rid of some toys.  It's impossible for me to do that while they're around
  • It's a lot of work getting out of the house for a trip.  It's chaotic and noisy and crazy.  It always feels like a major accomplishment when we actually get down to the garage, get the van loaded and everyone buckled in
  • After you drove off, I came back upstairs and made some fresh coffee, then sat in the beautiful silence and drank the whole cup while it was still hot.