  • Today was a quiet day.  We were all tired from all our adventures yesterday, so we stuck close to home.  We watched a couple movies and just lazed about in the morning
  • Katie, you made a big double batch of chocolate chunk cookies for us.  You let George and McDavid "help" you.  You seem to have eternal patience for these types of things
  • The guys got back home in the early afternoon.  They had a really great time
  • I had to take the three babies out to the forest to play because they were completely crazy.  Driving everyone bananas.  We walked and walked in an attempt to tire them out.  Finally, we came to the creek and they (of course) took their shoes and pants off and jumped in.  So much fun.  In my haste to get them out of the house, I forgot my camera.  How out of character for me.
  • Jane, you went out with your friends to White Spot for dinner, then to Krakit (an escape room).  It's really great that you're growing up and having these little outings on your own.  The mommy part of me couldn't help but give you a speech before you left.  You know...be polite, be very kind to your server, remember to tip your server, I love you, leave everything better than what you found it, call me if you need me, I love you, make good choices, I love you etc.  
  • Dareian, I love you.  I'm your biggest fan, kid.  You're pretty amazing.  Your mom and dad did a tremendously good job raising you (nice work Dan and Jennifer!). Christopher is one lucky guy. I'm getting all teary thinking about all the things I love about you.  I'll stop here.  Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and spend time with me