me & my buddy (& her buddy)

me & my buddy (& her buddy)
  • Dareian and Ethan and Scruffy left this morning. They had planned on leaving around 8, but then ended up waiting on some friends and didn’t leave until much later, but that’s ok, because it gave me a chance to take my traditional garage photos.

  • I told them I’m giving them a six month extension on their plans to move out here, but only one. If they’re not out here by next April, I’m going to go to Calgary and pack them up myself.

  • Jane, you’re going to Power of Hope camp for the weekend with Tia. I picked you up from school just before lunch and took you over to their house. You’re so excited about it! I hope you have a great time. We’ll miss you.

  • Katie, daddy and I had a fight this morning before school. You hate fighting. And you especially hate fighting when it makes you late for school. When you got home, you asked me what we had been fighting about and I told you it was none of your business. Which it isn’t. Married couples fight. Sisters fight. Friends fight. If you don’t fight, there’s probably something wrong. Daddy and I are two people living together raising four kids…disagreements are bound to happen. Don’t worry little Bean, we talked after school and it’s all good in the ‘hood now.

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