pre-birthday trip downtown

pre-birthday trip downtown
  • Jane, today was the day we celebrated your birthday with Tia.  The original plan was for Tia to come home from Kempo with us and spend the day, but she didn't go, so that changed the shape of our day.  You were pretty disappointed that your day started different than you planned, and had a good cry about it, then moved on.  You're pretty good at letting things go Jane.  It's a good thing.  You don't hold onto anger and disappointment for long.
  • I've been trying to get you guys a dentist appointment for a couple months, but it's proven to be very difficult.  Of course they called today with a last minute cancellation and could take all three of you girls.  So once again Jane, you had another unexpected thing in your special day.  You took it all in stride once again.
  • Lila, daddy brought you home from the dentist.  As you you walking home, you told daddy "You fart all the time, so I don't want to be close to your butt.  You will fart and it will make my teeth smelly."
  • We finally got downtown around 4:00.  We went to Smoke Poutinerie straight away for some dinner.  Jane and Katie, you both ordered the butter chicken poutine.  Tia got the bacon poutine, and I got the traditional.  It was sooooooo good.  Everything about their poutine is delicious.
  • Jane and Tia, after we ate, I set you free on Robson Street to shop.  Katie, you and I went to the Indigo shop and spent a ton of time there.  It was such a great store.
  • Katie, you bought a day planner.  I love how organized you are.
  • We met up again and went to the Victoria Secret store.  Jane, you loved it.  Katie and Tia tolerated it.  Sometimes it's hard for me to believe I'm at the stage of motherhood where I'm going to Victoria's Secret with my girls.  It's super fun, but kinda weird all at the same time.
  • You guys were done shopping quite early and we went back home.  I bought you a drink at Starbucks and left you to hang out.  Jane, I'm glad you have such a nice friend to hang out with and celebrate special days.