
  • George, I've been a little lax with the laundry lately, and you had to bust into your summer wardrobe today.  You don't mind at all because you're always so hot, but you looked pretty silly playing in a mountain of snow wearing shorts and a tank top...and winter boots and jacket.
  • George, Gigi and Sandra invited us to go bowling with them.  When I told you this morning, you exclaimed, "I WOVE Gigi!!!!  He's my vewy best fweind!!"
  • Bowling was super fun.  George, you were really good at it for your first time.  I, on the other hand have not improved with age.  You beat me...and I was actually trying.  I'm so athletic, it hurts sometimes.
  • We went and visited daddy after bowling, then went shopping at Costco.  You were so tired.  You almost fell asleep in the cart.  You looked so cute nestled in there with all the groceries.  You did fall asleep as soon as I strapped you into your car seat after shopping.  I didn't want to wake you, so I decided to park at Lila's school and let you finish your sleep.  We were there for an hour, and you only woke up when Lila came into the van.