adventure park
  • Sandra invited us to join her and Gigi at the Adventure Park this morning.  The Adventure Park is a space the City of Coquitlam created for kids to play and explore and build.  It's full of pieces of wood, a bucket of hammers, a bucket of nails, pipes, ropes, tires and logs.  Amazing!
  • We talked about it at breakfast and you were super excited.  George, you were in love with the thought of using a hammer, and Lila, you were planning to build a fort with a door and windows and a toilet.  You discussed the intricacies of getting the water to the sewer.  George volunteered to help you solve that problem. 
  • We arrived and George, you went to find hammers right away.  Lila, you were timid and tried hammering for a few minutes, but then came and sat with Sandra and I.  You sat with us for a good hour before you decided to go back in.  I think you were flustered by the fact that parents aren't allowed into the park (although we were sitting in plain view on the other side of the fence!)  You did however, go back in after snuggling for a good long while, when George told you about a cool swing someone had made.
  • George, Lila knocked a rope off a stump, so you decided to fix it.  You took your job quite seriously and got four nails and hammered that rope to a stump.  You had a dirt smudge on your face that looked like a Hitler mustache.  You're adorable.
  • We stayed for about three hours, which is longer than I expected.  I want to go back Lila, so you can relax and do some building.  I know you'd love it if  you could only get over your anxiety.
  • Katie, you were almost invisible today.  I invited you to come with us, but you wanted to relax in your room.
  • Jane, you worked your first 8 hour shift today.  You were excited about it, and said you had a great day.  I'm so glad things are working out for you.
  • George and Lila, we went to Rochester Park after dinner.  It wasn't great.  You guys were both grumpy and volatile.  A lot of whining and crying and complaining.  Lila, you were especially hard to deal with.  You think everyone on earth is being rude to you.  There's not a lot we can do to persuade you they're not.  You fell a couple times and ended up with scrapes on both knees, your shins and one ankle.  We went home and went straight to bed, where you continued to complain (loudly!) that everyone is SO RUDE!
  • We met Shean and Danielle and Elyse at Rochester.  It was fun to hang out for a bit.  Elyse is so darn cute.  George, you and Elyse were making "evil sand"...whatever that means!  Ian and Vanessa were babysitting baby James, so I didn't manage to get a baby snuggle, but that's ok...I shall drop in again soon!