new book

new book
  • Portraits, day 2. Katie, you weren’t around the last time I took portraits, so today was your turn. You’re adorable.

  • Jane, you had an unfortunate incident with one of those little popper toys. You and a coworker had a contest to see who could stick one to their forehead the longest. You were the champion…and also won a perfectly round hickey in the middle of your forehead. Lol. It was impressive. You did a great job covering it up with makeup.

  • Zeus, I’m loving you more and more every day. You’re the best.

  • George and Lila, I picked you up early from school so we could go to dad’s school to meet a veteran. He was great. Very honest and funny.

  • Daddy and his friend Victor have been staying after school to jam together. Dad is loving playing the drums these days. He’s fancies himself the next Keith Moon.

  • George, you’ve been obsessed with Keva planks at school. You’re so delighted so see them at the library at dad’s school and played quietly for over an hour.

  • Lila, you found a graphic novel that caught your attention. You sat and read it until you almost couldn’t see in the darkness.