getting ready

getting ready
  • Katie, you went to your friend’s Quinceañera tonight.

  • You decided you didn’t have appropriate shoes this morning. You’ve known about this party for weeks, yet there we were at the mall on the afternoon of the party. We looked at SO MANY shoes, but you have tricky little feet because they’re very narrow. We couldn’t find anything to fit you at the mall, so we headed to Winners. We always have good luck there…but not today. You asked to go to Value Village. I was skeptical, but what happened? You found two cute pairs of shoes. And we got both for just $17.00. You were so pleased. You said you can’t imagine why anyone would pay $100 for a pair of shoes when you could just go to Value Village and get them for $8.00. You’re my kid, for sure.

  • You looked so pretty tonight. It made me a little teary to see you looking so grown up and gorgeous. So proud of you Katie Bean.