story time

story time
  • Grandma, Auntie Shari, Auntie Jenny and Keegan and Jack arrived this afternoon on the bus. Daddy went to Surrey to pick them up and brought them all back. We had some major bed shuffling to do to fit everybody in, but we managed. If there’s one thing our family is good at, it’s making use of every available inch.

  • Jane, you stayed in your own bed. Katie and Lila, you slept on a mattress on our bedroom floor. George, you slept in your usual spot on the floor on my side of the bed. Actually, just recently you started sleeping in your own bed all night, but now I’m sure that will all change now that you’re back.

  • Lila, you were in your glory. You love it when grandma reads to you, and luckily, she LOVES to read to you. You chose the Roald Dahl collection, and by the time I came to check on you, grandma had already finished an entire book and had started in on the second. I’m pretty sure the two of you would be happy to snuggle and read all day long. Jack joined you for a bit, but couldn’t sit still as long as you and grandma.

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