happy 72nd!

happy 72nd!
  • Jane, I worked a short day today, and I was feeling weird about abandoning grandma and grandpa, but you stayed home and visited with them and made them a delicious lunch. I appreciated your hostessing.

  • Katie, you and Sara are having some sort of seeing each other in person streak. She came over and you two did homework together (for real). She’s such a nice friend. I’m so glad you guys have started to see each other so much since we moved.

  • It was grandma’s 72nd birthday today. We had a little party to celebrate and the Matsuda’s come over. I made a big pot of chili and garlic toast. Grandma asked for fruit salad and ice-cream for dessert, and Auntie Claire brought a tuxedo cake. It was delicious.

  • Lila, grandma delivered a present from auntie Becca. Auntie Becca lost a ring last time she stayed with us and you found it a few weeks ago. She was so grateful, she bought you a gift. A Frozen II water bottle and book. You were so delighted. You stayed up late and read your new book in the quiet after everyone left.