the cousins
  • Today was the last day of the Newbery/Goertz/Beek visit. George, you and Keegan were so sweet snuggling and talking and watching videos on her phone. I love how much you love each other.

  • Daddy made us a big brunch. It’s his specialty now.

  • Lila, auntie Jenny got you a massive package of pipe cleaners for Christmas. You were in your glory this morning outfitting all your little stuffies with earmuffs and belts and crowns. It’s one of the best presents you’ve ever gotten. I can foresee many many hours of creating and making ahead of us.

  • Daddy took them back to Surrey to catch the bus there. It was sad to say goodbye. We had a really nice time together. It’s so nice now that all the kids are older. Much more relaxing for us adults. And the outside space was a true blessing. George, you and Jack spent an enormous amount of time outside, even though it was raining most of the time.

  • After they left, our house was so quiet and empty. Every one dispersed to their own corner and took some time by themselves. We’ve had a lot of visiting the last couple weeks.

  • George and Lila, you’re still playing Minecraft “together.” Lila, you boss George around and tell him what to do, and George, you follow her commands. It’s so weird.

  • Lila, you dressed up like Elsa tonight. You haven’t dressed up in a long time and it was nice to see you in one of your cute little outfits. You’re going to outgrow them pretty soon. I think passing on your dress-up clothes will be really hard for me. So many hours of imaginative play