this is why i take photos

this is why i take photos
  • I watched you guys looking through old photo albums and my heart overflowed with joy.  This is why I take photos.  I want you guys to see how loved you are (and have been since we were expecting you) and how much joy is in our home
  • My favorite quote of the day: "Mom, you used to be so pretty!"  I'm pretty sure you were complimenting me...but the "used to" part was a little hard on my ego
  • You commented many times that Auntie Kim hasn't aged at all.  She really hasn't.  She's timeless
  • We had a yam that sat on the counter a bit too long.  It started to sprout, so we decided to cut off that chunk and plant it.  Jane, you're so proud of your little yam.  You check on it several times a day and water it faithfully.  We're pretty curious to see if we'll actually be able to grow anything out on our little deck!
  • I love our deck.  It's exactly what we needed for our home this summer.  We hang out there quite a bit.  It's lovely in the evening because it's cool and breezy